The European Games Developer Federation e.f. (EGDF) unites 23 national trade associations representing game developer studios based in 22 European countries: Austria (PGDA), Belgium (FLEGA), Croatia (CGDA), Czechia (GDACZ), Denmark (Producentforeningen), Finland (Suomen pelinkehittäjät), France (SNJV), Germany (GAME), Italy (IIDEA), Lithuania (LGDA), Netherlands (DGA), Norway (Produsentforeningen), Poland (PGA), Portugal (APVP), Romania (RGDA), Serbia (SGA), Spain (DEV), Sweden (Spelplan-ASGD), Slovakia (SGDA), Switzerland (SGDA), Turkey (TOGED) and the United Kingdom (TIGA). Through its members, EGDF represents more than 2,500 game developer studios, most of them SMEs, employing more than 40,000 people.